Fundraising Campaign
To serve Veterans, including serving Military and RCMP members and their families,
to promote Remembrance and to serve our communities and our country.

Here is the future rendition of the Rear Entrance and upstairs addition of the Veteran's Suite and Entertainment Patio

Here is the future rendition of the Front Entrance and upstairs addition of the Veteran's Counselling Room
There are many ways in which you can contribute. Choose a category that is appropriate for you and your budget and help us meet our target goals—but please give as generously as you can! Your gift will be permanently recognised!
All donations will be entered in a Book of Honour and permanently displayed in the Veterans Suite, new upper level addition.
Donations of $5,000 and above will be recognised on our Donor Recognition Wall, which will be placed in the Veterans Suite in perpetuity.
Designated areas of the newly renovated Legion will be available to major donors for naming privileges.
Donors: please make cheques payable to Wolfville Legion 75 Fund and send them to: Wolfville Legion Branch 74, 310 Main Street, Wolfville, Nova Scotia B4P 1C4 (or present the cheque to any of our committee members)
Donors: E-transfers should be sent to: wolfvillelegion@gmail.com
Community Leaders Circle
A number of distinguished local community leaders have already donated and/or have promised their generous help. Are you in a position to join this elite Circle? We welcome you in!
Community Clubs and Professional Organisations
We invite local Community Clubs and Professional Groups (lawyers, doctors, dentists, accountants, real estate firms etc.) to reach out and join our campaign.
National Corporations
For 75 years the Legion has been a customer of two major banks, as well as telephone and hydro companies. We invite them and other major corporations with local branches to make important contributions.
Community Businesses
Local businesses are the lifeblood of the community, and can be credited with much of the success of our small but mighty town. The Legion and its members have been their customers for many years. Please join us now!
Special Sponsors
Gold: $15,000-$25,000 Silver: $5,000-$14,999 Bronze: $2,000-$4,999
This category is for those individuals or families who would like to give a sizeable donation, perhaps in memory of a fallen Veteran. Choose from one of the three ranges shown here. We have some already committed in these categories
Monthly Installment Fund Club
Many individuals would prefer to contribute on a monthly basis over a year or more. This may be the Club for you! We have several already promising $100 a month for two years which puts them at a $2400 donation and that puts them into the Bronze Category while we have a few who are contributing $25 a month for two years which amasses a combined donation of $600. Why not choose a figure you are comfortable with.
Supporting Donations
Didn't see a category that fits you, maybe wanting to donate what you can, however small or large it may be, then this is for you. All donations will go a long way to finishing our renovations.
Let's be able to Continue Remembering the Fallen and to Care for Veterans and their Families at our Branch.
Give Generously and Give Often